Questions about the Rehearsal space.
How does payment work?
We accept all major credit cards, check, or cash.
What’s the cancellation policy?
24 hour cancellation notice is no charge, 50% for day of cancellations, and full price for no show.
Do you rent drum kits and other backline gear for my rehearsal?
Yes, call for details. On-site rentals only.
Can I rent rooms on a daily, weekly or monthly basis?
Yes, please call for details.
Do you allow for load in and load out time?
Yes, we allow 15 minutes to load in and load out before and after each rehearsal.
Questions about the Recording studio.
How much does it cost to record?
Standard rate -$75/hour or $750 12hour lockout. (includes house engineer)
Freelance rate -$50/hour or $500 for 12hour lockout. (freelance engineers require approval from studio management)
How long are recording sessions?
3 hour minimum.
Can Space mix or master my pre-recorded tracks?
Yes. Call for details.
Can I bring in my own engineer?
Yes, after approval from studio manager.
Do you do mastering?
Yes. Call for details.
Can I talk to the engineer/producer beforehand?
Yes. We always communicate with the client before recording.
Do you offer guitar tech services?
Peter Skermetta is our on site guitar tech. His website is rockitscienceguitars.com
Questions about our facilities.
Do you have Wi-Fi?
Yes. Ask front desk for password.
Can I book the space for an audition or to hold a class or workshop?
Yes, please call for details.
Are the rehearsal rooms suitable for other activities? Yoga classes? Art Classes?
Absolutely, please call for details.